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select sum(order_qty - delivery_qty - reduce_confirm_qty - lost_qty ) qty from circle_ordering where sku = '" . $sku . "' AND submit_status = 5 AND order_type = 'AIR'
通过explain 这条语句,仔细分析数据库才知道并没有相关的索引作用在这条查询语句上,这样导致了这条sql是全表查询。于是对这三列(sku, submit_status, order_type)新建索引. 重新执行后,整个程序只用了10份钟就完成了。
select a.ebay_id, b.ebay_id as ebay_subid, from_unixtime(a.ebay_paidtime) as ebay_paidtime, a.ebay_account, a.ebay_countryname, c.store_name as warehouse, a.ebay_carrier, b.sku, b.ebay_amount, a.ebay_currency, b.ebay_itemprice, b.shipingfee, ((b.ebay_itemprice*b.ebay_amount)+b.shipingfee) as total_amount, ebay_postcode, b.item_promotion_discount_amount, b.ship_promotion_discount_amount from ebay_order a left join ebay_orderdetail b on(a.ebay_ordersn=b.ebay_ordersn) left join ebay_store c on (a.ebay_warehouse = c.id) where a.ebay_combine !=1 and (a.resend_org_ebay_id=0 or a.resend_org_ebay_id is null) and b.ebay_amount >0 and a.ebay_warehouse !='' and a.ebay_user='manwei' and ( a.ebay_paidtime between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$astart."') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$aend."') or (a.ebay_paidtime not between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$astart_p."') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$aend_p."') and a.shippedtime between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$astart_p."') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$aend_p."')) "; if($last_ebay_id!='') $data .= " or a.ebay_id >='".$last_ebay_id."'"; $data .= ") order by a.ebay_id, b.ebay_id ";
(a.ebay_paidtime between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$astart."') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$aend."') 由于在ebay_paidtime字段有索引,如果只有这个条件,查询速度很快,查询一次不到一秒。但是因为后面还有两个条件使用了 or, 这样导致会导致了对ebay_order进行了全表查询,而这个表有3百多万条数据,所以查询非常慢。(有这个说法 :验证在两个相同字段之间使用or不会导致全表扫描,只有出现不同字段自建使用or时会导致全表扫描。但我没有验证过。)根据业务需求我们把三个用or 连接的查询条件拆出来,分别进行查询,最后用union语句连起来。这样查询的效率得到了大大的提高。修改后的查询如下
$data1 ="select " . $fields_list . " from ebay_order a left join ebay_orderdetail b on(a.ebay_ordersn=b.ebay_ordersn) left join ebay_store c on (a.ebay_warehouse = c.id) where a.ebay_combine !=1 and (a.resend_org_ebay_id=0 or a.resend_org_ebay_id is null) and b.ebay_amount >0 and a.ebay_warehouse !='' and a.ebay_user='manwei' and a.ebay_paidtime between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$astart."') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$aend."')"; $data2 = "select " . $fields_list . " from ebay_order a left join ebay_orderdetail b on(a.ebay_ordersn=b.ebay_ordersn) left join ebay_store c on (a.ebay_warehouse = c.id) where a.ebay_combine !=1 and (a.resend_org_ebay_id=0 or a.resend_org_ebay_id is null) and b.ebay_amount >0 and a.ebay_warehouse !='' and a.ebay_user='manwei' and ( a.shippedtime between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$astart_p."') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$aend_p."') and a.ebay_paidtime not between UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$astart."') and UNIX_TIMESTAMP('".$aend."') )"; if($last_ebay_id!='') { $data3 = "select " . $fields_list . " from ebay_order a left join ebay_orderdetail b on(a.ebay_ordersn=b.ebay_ordersn) left join ebay_store c on (a.ebay_warehouse = c.id) where a.ebay_combine !=1 and (a.resend_org_ebay_id=0 or a.resend_org_ebay_id is null) and b.ebay_amount >0 and a.ebay_warehouse !='' and a.ebay_user='manwei' and a.ebay_id >='" .$last_ebay_id ."'"; } $data = "(" . $data1 . ")"; if($data2 != "") $data = $data . " union (". $data2 . ")"; if($data3 != "") $data = $data . " union (". $data3 . ")";
小插曲,当我们分析data2的时候,无论如何给shippedtime加索引,只要查询shippedtime都是全表查询。仔细分析才知道原来在数据库设计的时候,这个shippedtime的字段是varchar, 程序把时间戳保存成这种类型,自然没有办法使用适合我们需要的索引,解决的方法是通过alter语句先把shippedtime改成int 类型,再增加一个索引到这个字段。这样这个查询慢的问题就彻底得到解决了。
$data = $isfesdb->query($data);$quan = $isfesdb->num_rows($data);for($i=0;$i<$quan;$i++){{ ... $vv = "select goods_name, goods_weight from ebay_goods where goods_sn='".$sku[$i]."' limit 1"; $vv = $isfesdb->execute($vv); $vv = $isfesdb->getResultArray($vv); if(count($vv)==0){ ... $sku[$i] = str_replace('-FBA-FR','',$sku[$i]); ... } ...}
修改程序变成:$vv = $isfesdb->query("select goods_sn, goods_name, goods_weight from ebay_goods");$vv_quan = $isfesdb->num_rows($vv);$vv_result = $isfesdb->getResultArray($vv);for($i=0; $i<$vv_quan; $i++) { $goods_array[$vv_result[$i]['goods_sn']] = array($vv_result[$i]['goods_name'], $vv_result[$i]['goods_weight']); }for($i=0;$i<$quan;$i++){... if(!array_key_exists($sku[$i], $goods_array)){ ... $sku[$i] = str_replace('-FBA-FR','',$sku[$i]); ... } ... }